Sequence Playlist Naming Conventions

When creating a ThermoBLAST-CE sequence playlist, you are able to name it whatever you wish.  However, if you would like some guidelines, here is the convention we at DNA Software recommend for playlist naming.

We generally encounter two types of playlists.  They are:

  1. Single Genome Playlists: You could make a playlist for a genome called "Mus musculus (house mouse)". This playlist would contain multiple accessions corresponding to all the chromosomes in the genome and the mitochondrial DNA. The general convention for whole genomes is to name as follows: Genus species subspecies (common names), where the subspecies is optional. For example, "Canis familiaris (dog)"
  2. Larger collections of genomes and accessions:  For example, a new playlist called "Non-human Mammals" could include the mouse, rat, dog, pig, horse genomes. The convention for naming a larger collection of genomes is to use an informative name that will be easily recognizable (examples: "Non-Human Mammals", "Soil Bacteria", "Gut Flora", "Respiratory Pathogens", etc.)